Supporting your next career.

Supporting your next career.

Career connect – helping you become a qualified financial adviser.

Career Connect Adviser Leaf

What is Career connect?

Career connect from Fidelity Life is a programme designed to help you gain qualifications and acquire the necessary skills to become a successful financial adviser. In a career that's purpose-led and supports the everyday lives of New Zealanders.

Applications are now closed for the 2024 intake. 

What Career connect graduates say about the programme.

Read here.

Why become a financial adviser?

What can you expect from Career connect?

A training programme that equips successful applicants to build long standing, successful careers, advising New Zealand families and helping them to protect their way of life. The 2024 intake will commence in late May and will run for 6-months.

You'll gain:

You'll become:

Celebrate Paua

A qualified financial adviser with the skills, competency, and knowledge to excel and build a long-term sustainable career.

We're also providing scholarships.


To help you make this leap into a new career, there are several scholarships available per intake. Each scholarship will cover all fees for qualifications and some will provide additional financial support throughout the programme.

Learn more about our scholarships.


FL House (Leaf)

Any questions?

Reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.

Get in touch.