How we’re helping farmers grow.

How we’re helping farmers grow.

Farming in New Zealand isn’t just an important way to produce some of the highest quality products in the world – it’s a key part of our economy. Farming makes up around 5.7% of employment in New Zealand[1], and like any industry, it has its own unique needs and specialist roles.

That’s why we developed our special Rural Key Person insurance. It covers all kind of farming –dairy, sheep, beef, horticulture and more – and means that if a farmer can’t perform some or all of their normal farming duties because of illness or injury, they’ll be eligible for a claim which could be used to help keep the farm running. This is especially important during the height of a season, for example.

The maximum cover amount available under Rural Key Person cover is based on 35% of the farm’s turnover2.  If you’re a sharemilker or a dairy farmer, then we can insure you using the average milk solid price together with details on your herd.  Otherwise cover is based on 2 years’ worth of financials, but if you’re new to farming – give your adviser a call and ask them about our other options that are available to you.


2 Up to a maximum of $10,000 per month