When you’re checking out New Zealand life insurance companies, you might be keen to find one that fits your values as well as your needs. There are always practical things to consider, like finding the right level and type of cover that you can afford, but identifying a trusted company that’s doing their bit for New Zealand can be just as important.
What we’re doing.
As the largest locally owned life insurance company, we’re committed to working for the good of New Zealand and its people. We’re New Zealand owned and operated and our business decisions are made for New Zealanders by New Zealanders, who know about our unique way of life. We have a range of sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and helping New Zealand communities.
Our sponsorship of Outward Bound.
Based in Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds, Outward Bound is a not-for-profit organisation that helps people to realise their potential. It does this by running outdoor courses that grow resilience, connection and compassion. In particular, Outward Bound courses are famous for helping young people build self-esteem, find inner strength and learn important life skills that help them to thrive at school, work and life.
Each year, our sponsorship enables 20 young New Zealanders to experience a 21-day Outward Bound Classic course. A diverse group of young adults from across the country are selected. Those that complete the course experience the life changing impacts of Outward Bound and go on to have a positive impact in their communities and make a life-long contribution to New Zealand.
Read our scholarship student stories to hear more about the life changing impacts of Outward Bound or visit the Outward Bound site below to find out more about the 21-day course.
Life insurance and sustainability - reducing carbon emissions.
We care about New Zealand’s environment and want to help the country shift to a lower carbon future. So we’ve partnered with Toitū Envirocare to reduce carbon emissions and track ongoing progress towards achievable goals.
As a certified member of Toitū’s carbonreduce programme, for the year ended 30-June 2022 we reduced our CO2 emissions by 55% vs. 2021.
You can read more about this here.
One of the more visible carbon-saving initiatives is our new headquarters in Auckland that we share with a few other tenants. Fidelity Life House has earned a 6 Green Star rating from the New Zealand Green Building Council, which means the building meets world-class sustainability standards.
Here’s what’s special about the building:
- It has a highly efficient thermal façade to minimise heating and cooling.
- The design maximises natural light.
- Additional lighting is provided by sensor-controlled low energy LED lighting.
- 184 solar panels provide up to 200,000 KWh per year towards our electricity needs.
- 110,000 litre rainwater harvesting tanks are used for flushing our toilets.
- Extensive waste management programme with options for composting and recycling, including used batteries, plus a worm farm.
- High quality changing / showering facilities for employees who run, cycle or walk to work.
- Public transport options are close by.
Supporting New Zealand families with babies or young children.
We also sponsor Bellyful, a not-for-profit organisation that cooks and delivers free meals to New Zealand families with babies or young children, who need support. Bellyful do this because the modern reality of parenting means there isn’t always a ‘village’ available to help during stressful times. The simple act of bringing healthy meals to a family with a new baby or young children not only provides nourishing food, but it also helps reduce feelings of isolation and improves mental health.
Since Bellyful was established in 2009, they have cooked and delivered over 200,000 meals to more than 35,000 families. There are now 25 branches of Bellyful around the country.
Those on the receiving end of Bellyful’s help say getting the meals gives them more time in their day and allow them to focus on looking after their children. Most importantly, getting meals from Bellyful lets them know that someone cares about their wellbeing.
Each year we make a financial contribution to Bellyful, to support their amazing work and also gets hands-on in other ways. Employees and advisers from all around New Zealand donate food, vouchers and also get involved in cooking meals for their local community.
Read more about the sponsorship here. Or visit the Bellyful site to see how you can get involved.
Career connect scholarship programme.
Career connect is our comprehensive education and skills programme designed to develop the next generation of financial advisers. Financial advice helps New Zealanders get better financial outcomes, but more fresh talent is needed to ensure there are enough advisers to meet New Zealanders’ advice needs over the long term.
As part of the programme, we are also offering scholarships to help increase diversity within New Zealand’s financial adviser community. The scholarships cover the costs of formal qualifications and provide financial support during training.
Find an adviser to find the right life insurance company for you.
Finding the right level and type of cover that you can afford is best done through a financial adviser. They can help develop a plan for you and your needs. You can also ask them which life insurance companies are doing good in New Zealand.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is a summary of the key points of the insurance cover(s) mentioned and is general in nature. This article does not constitute a financial advice service. All covers are subject to the definitions, standard exclusions/limitations, terms and conditions contained in the full policy documentation which is available from Fidelity Life or your financial adviser who holds a Distribution Agreement with Fidelity Life. All applications for cover are subject to underwriting criteria.
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We’re New Zealand owned and operated and our business decisions are made for New Zealanders by New Zealanders.

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